Since 2014, we made a curated coworking community.

Back in 2014, We opened a coworking space. It was in the Gangnam. When we started, we funded it ourselves. We had a goal to provide a unique coworking experience for our customers.
We made history. People said Hive Arena was the first or the second coworking space in the coworking industry in South Korea. The coworking industry was growing fast. It was so competitive, with many brands emerging, like WeWork.
Many coworking brands focused on the physical space for rental, but we focused on the people and community. We made a membership and tried to sell our customers. They are creative professionals and freelancers.
We faced some difficulties but made the necessary changes to our approach. To achieve our goals, we worked closely with various technology communities, such as Seoul Tech Society, Pyjog (a Python community), and Seoul Elixir Meetup.
As a result, many software engineers are interested in the space we made. We met some foreign engineers also. We found a niche to create our customers. They are professionals, remote workers, and indie hackers.

We built a curated community with them and made it viral among them. When we meet new customers, we asked How can you visit us? They said, my friend recommended your space.
We achieved our goal, so some media companies talked about us, such as Forbes, Fast Company. Forbes said we are one of the 11 best coworking spaces in Asia. And selected us as the leading coworking space in Seoul.

We were small, but our impact was huge. Most importantly, we've created a great community with our customers. Honestly, they're not customers; they are our friends. We made meaningful relationships with them.

And we shared a fantastic gift from one of our coworkers. He described our space while he used it. It was pretty cool. What do you think about that? Do you want to join us?

Looking back, it was a great time. And then we tried something new: coliving.
Here's what our friends had to say about our coworking.
We hope you have a great time reading our post here. We suggest you check reviews from our friends. It helps you feel the atmosphere we created.

If you are interested, please read our coliving story below.

Are you seeking a community?
Let us know what you're looking for, and we build together.
Make it HappenAlso, please take the time to read this story. It is about us and will help you get to know us better.